So you’ve been invited into a first communion. Where do you go from here? A First Communion is a sacred and serious ceremony, but it is also a special party! All you need are a few guidelines about how best to prepare and what to expect. Read on for our detailed however as-simple-as-possible guide.
What’s a First Communion anyways?
A First Communion is a rite of passage also called the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and also is a celebration of a child’s decision to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church. He/She will eat the Bread of Life (or a”host” — a round white wafer made from wheat) and drink wine from the Cup of Life. Typically, the service is going to be part of the normal Sunday Mass, but could have a procession of the first communicants, or even a gathering of the communicants before their participation in the Eucharist.

(image credit: UScatholic, Peanutblossoms)
A brief history:
According to the Bible, Jesus’ last meal with His disciples happened during the celebration of Passover. Giving them bread, Jesus said,”Takeeat; this is My body.” Next, offering wine by a shared cupHe explained,”Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins.” Believers today observe the Lord’s Supper as a symbol of cleansing, consecration, and communion. The elements of bread and wine, along with the communication between God and His believers, formed the foundation of the ceremony.
Please keep in mind that although people are welcome to maintain the fellowship with church believers, many churches request that only worshipers take part in Holy Communion. This is because shooting from the Lord’s Supper is considered to be a conscious act which requires belief. To learn more about Catholic Mass proceedings, click here to jump to the bottom of the manual.
What to wear

(image credit: Nostalgiaportraits, Smockedtreasures)
Children engaging in First Communion are expected to dress appropriately. For girls, this implies white closed-toes shoes plus a small, sleeved, white gown. The white dress symbolizes purity and typically, the dress can be as ornate or easy as the girl desires. Girls may also decide to use white stockings or knee socks and a white veil, headband, barrette, blossom crown, or small tiara in their hair. Boys typically wear a dark suit, dark colored dress shoes, a dark solid colored tie, along with a white armband on the left arm.
When attending a First Communion, keep in mind that you will be at a church. For this reason, you need to wear attire that’s”church proper.” Think modest.

(image credit: Blog,ae, Modli, Reaknebrealstyle, Modcloth)
Do wear: Collared shirts, button-up shirts, ties, dress pants, dress shoes or loafers are acceptable for men and young boys. Skirts/dresses at or below the knee, sleeved blouses. Dress trousers, and closed-toe apparel shoes are appropriate for women and young girls.
Do not wear: Strapless or thin strapped tops, low cut shirts, t-shirts, jeans, shorts or short skirts, flip flops or tennis shoes. Girls should also be conscious about how much makeup they wear. Young women shouldn’t wear makeup.
Present Guide
It is customary to give children purposeful presents such as bibles and religious jewelry at their First Communion. Some of our favorite First Communion gift suggestions are revealed below.

(picture credit: Angel Keepsake, Religious Cuff Bracelet, Crystal Engraved Cross Keepsake, Religious Keepsake Box, Cross Keepsake Box with Rosary Beads, Religious Cross Necklace)
Although, non-Catholics may find it more appropriate and comfortable to give the child money. Close family members may also provide the child money along with or instead of a religious present. The very best method to present money for a gift is using a card. Typically quantities between $20 and $200 are suitable. If you’re uneasy with only giving money, a small token gift such as a stuffed animal or picture frame is a great addition.
Traditional Catholic Volume Proceedings

(image credit: Thecompassnews)
- Holy water – the community dips their hands into the holy water that resembles blessing ourselves to bear in mind that before receiving Jesus, our souls should be cleansed of sins.
- The Penitential Rite — he opening compliments throughout mass where the community asks for God’s forgiveness and the forgiveness of one another for our sins. Also Called Confession or even Absolution.
- Gloria — a happy response to the forgiveness received in the Penitential Act. It’s also referred to as the”Angelic Hymn” because it starts with the song of the angels which has been heard at the birth of Jesus Christ.
- Lectionary Readings – a book of readings taken in the Bible. Also Called the Scriptures.
- The community sings the Responsorial Psalm followed by singing the Alleluia.
- Liturgy of the Word — the priest will proclaim the Gospel from Book of Gospels.
- Homily — that the priest will give an explanation of the Scriptures that were proclaimed.
- The Profession of Faith — everybody will state the Profession of Faith, which are the main beliefs of Catholic Christians.
- Liturgy of the Eucharist — the second element of bulk, which begins with the use of the Altar and the Gifts. This is when the priest prepares the altar and accepts the gifts of bread and wine in the neighborhood. During the groundwork, the priest will begin the Eucharistic Prayer, through which the neighborhood will sing or say the Holy, Holy, Holy.
- Consecration — a toast or tribute. In which the community recognizes that the bread and wine turned into Jesus’ Body and Blood.
- Memorial Acclamation — a significant mass prayer in which the community occupies the center of their faith.
- The Communion Rite — that the neighborhood says or sings the Lord’s Prayer.
- Sign of Peace — that the neighborhood conveys to Jesus they want to love one another as He loved His people.
- The Lamb of God — the last step in which the neighborhood invites Jesus to make us holy by singing or saying,”Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word, and that I shall be healed.” (The community now has the liberty of really receiving Jesus in the Eucharist, Jesus’ Body and Blood).
- During the reception of Jesus in Communion, the community will discuss songs, which is accompanied by a period of silence.
- Concluding Rite — the priest will say a prayer and a blessing.
- Dismissal — that the priest will invite all to go in peace.
The household of the child might opt to host a party at home after the ceremony. Depending on the household’s taste, it might be a small gathering or a larger more complicated celebration with favors, decorations, and all.
(Sources: First Holy Communion Etiquette, What is Holy Communion, Why Should We Participate in Communion, First Communion Parent Handbook, The Suitable Attire for a Girl’s First Holy Communion, First Holy Communion Dress Requirements, First Communion Money Giving Etiquette)